It was actually pretty easy to ignore the small sentence and word based errors and just focus on the ideas and overall organisation of the essays I read. I still noticed them, but I was not compelled to correct them. Focusing on the big picture kind of distracts from those smaller errors. Sort of like, “it doesn’t concern me right now so I don’t care.” These are also first drafts, so they’re all kind of bad in some way. I’m not excluding my essay from that either. I hope those who reviewed mine tore it apart. Draft one is just bring ideas to paper, and that’s by any means. It needs to be viewed on a more grand scale opposed to nitpicks because of how rough it is. On top of that, it gives me ideas reading other’s papers. Not just ideas for what to write about, but how to go about writing about it. This can be because I liked the way something someone else wrote worked well or how it didn’t work. That is great for people who can learn through observation, but it also helps those who learn more by doing. Having someone else view your work can point out what works and doesn’t work in it. Global editing helps both the editor and the writer.